Climate Change and the Global Distribution of Wealth
With Cornelia Mohren, Philipp Bothe, Gregor Semieniuk [forthcoming, Nature Climate Change]
Towards Tax Justice and Wealth Redistribution in India: Proposals Based on Latest Inequality Estimates
With Nitin Bharti, Thomas Piketty, Anmol Somanchi. Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 59 (21):91-96, 2024.
Income and Wealth Inequality in India, 1922-2023: The Rise of the Billionaire Raj
With Nitin Bharti, Thomas Piketty et Anmol Somanchi. World Inequality Lab Working Paper 2024/09.
The Carbon Footprint of Capital: Evidence from France, Germany and the USA based on Distributional Environmental Accounts
Lucas Chancel and Yannic Rehm, WIL Working Paper, 2023/26
The Potential of Wealth Taxation to Address the Triple Climate Inequality Crisis
Chancel, L., Bothe P., Voituriez, T., Nature Climate Change, 2023
Potential pension fund losses should not deter high-income countries from bold climate action
Gregor Semieniuk, Lucas Chancel, Eulalie Saïsset, Philip B. Holden, Jean-Francois Mercure, Neil R. Edwards, Joule, 7: 1383–1393, 2023
Income Inequality in Africa: Measurements, Patterns, Determinants
Chancel, L., Cogneau, D., Gethin, A., Myckowski, A. Robilliard, A.-S., World Development, 163: 106-162, 2023.
Global Carbon Inequality over 1990-2019
Chancel, L., Nature sustainability, 5:931–938, 2022.
Why is Europe More Equal than the US?
Blanchet, T., Chancel, L., Gethin, A., American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, vol. 14(4): 480-518, 2022.
Global Income Inequality, 1820-2020: The Persistence and Mutation of Extreme Inequality
Chancel, L., Piketty, T., Journal of the European Economic Association, 19, pp. 3025–3062, 2021.
Ten facts about inequality in advanced economies
Chancel, L. (2021) in 'Combating Inequality: Rethinking Government's Role', MIT Press (eds. O. Blanchard, D. Rodrik)
Indian Income Inequality, 1922-2015: from British Raj to Billionaire Raj?
Chancel, L., Piketty, T. (2019) Review of Income and Wealth, 2019, 65, pp. S33-62
Global Inequality Dynamics: New Findings from
Alvaredo, F., Chancel, L., Piketty, T., Saez, E., Zucman, G. (2018) American Economic Review P&P, 2017, 107 (5), pp. 404-09
The Elephant Curve of Global Inequality and Growth
Alvaredo, F., Chancel, L., Piketty, T., Saez, E., Zucman, G. (2018) American Economic Association P&P, 108, p. 103-108
Extreme Inequality: Evidence from Brazil, India, the Middle East, and South Africa
L. Assouad, L. Chancel, M. Morgan, American Economic Association P&P, 2018, vol. 108, p. 119-23
Reducing Inequalities within Countries: Assessing the Potential of the Sustainable Development Goals
L. Chancel, A. Hough, T. Voituriez, Global Policy, 2018, vol. 9, p. 5-16
Distributional National Accounts (DINA) Methods and Global Inequality Estimates from
F. Alvaredo, L. Chancel, T. Piketty, E. Saez, G. Zucman, Economics and Statistics, 2020, vol. 517, p. 41-59
Carbon and Inequality: From Kyoto to Paris
L. Chancel, T. Piketty, World Inequality Lab Study, Paris School of Economics, 2015, 48p.
Are younger generations higher carbon emitters than their elders?
L. Chancel, Ecological Economics, 2014, vol. 100, p. 195-207
[Data] World Inequality Database